The Story

In the 17th century a man named Count Zinzendorf had an encounter with the cross of Christ that changed the trajectory of His life.

This encounter led him, many years later, to create a refuge community for persecuted believers on his land that was later named Hernhut in Germany. This people had many personal issues, but God moved powerfully in their midst with a move of repentance, including adults and children alike. And one night that a pentecost like experience in a worship service together. This began a fire that last 100 years - 100 years of 24/7 prayer in fact. These people became known as the Moravians.

This love for the Lamb of God, through the simple devotion of rotating prayer, led them to encounter not just the beauty of Jesus in prayer, but His heart for the lost and broken who were dying without having relationship with Him. Thus, they gave them selves to wild missionary adventures, laying their lives down in both service and gospel proclamation for those who had no chance of hearing about the Love that came to save them.

The Moravians’ devotion to Jesus, His Word, Prayer, Community, and Missions revived and reformed to face of modern Christianity.

We believe that God wants to do this again in Vancouver. And across the earth even.

God said that His House would be called a House of Prayer for All Nations (Isaiah 56:6-7). This means that His house would be marked by an ever-expanding family of people in loving relationship with Him! This is for all nations; especially for those who have never had the chance yet to hear of the Gospel that can save them!

Jesus wants EVERY TRIBE AND TONGUE IN VANCOUVER & THROUGH VANCOUVER. And we want to give that to Him.

May the Lamb receive the reward of His suffering!